Phi Mu’s Week of Miracles shines at UF

The members of Phi Mu at the University of Florida, when compared to the philanthropic endeavors of their Greek Life peers, own a unique perspective on the impact that their yearlong efforts can have on their local community.
Phi Mu is the only sorority that is a national partner of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Throughout the year, the Phi Mu local chapter, Alpha Nu, hosts events to support the Children’s Miracle Network at UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital. The children’s hospital sits just .6 miles away from the Phi Mu chapter house, helping the members see the tangible impact of their fundraising in Gainesville.
In November, Phi Mu hosted “Miracle Week,” allowing the chapter to close the fall semester with a cause-connected reminder of the meaningful work they do during the year. “Miracle Week” included volunteering with the Child Life team at UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital and partaking in their “Once Upon a Room” initiative where members personalized hospital rooms through makeovers to promote happiness and healing in the lives of critically ill and extended stay pediatric patients. They also took hospital tours with the CMN team and even had one of the CMN ambassador families join them in their chapter house for dinner to share their story.
“This was an incredible opportunity to tangibly see how our fundraising efforts throughout the year actually make a difference at UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital,” said a sister of Phi Mu when discussing their experience during Miracle Week. “Every yellow miracle balloon, dedication plaque and newly renovated unit shows us how much CMN is truly transforming UF Health Shands into a more comfortable and enriching environment for patients and their families, one step at a time.”

“We are so thankful for our advisors at the hospital, particularly Julia and Tara, who allow us to get involved at Shands through tours, crafts with kids and personally decorating patients’ rooms through our Once Upon a Room program. Our experiences throughout the week and the past year inspire us to make more miracles possible for these kids through our involvement and fundraising initiatives. We are proud to have Children’s Miracle Network as our philanthropy, and thankful that our local CMN hospital is right down the road from our chapter house.”
To top-off the chapter’s amazing efforts in philanthropy during the year, Phi Mu at UF was recognized amongst their peers during the 2023 Greek Awards, hosted by the University of Florida’s Office of Sorority and Fraternity Affairs. The chapter took home the Excellence in Greek Collaboration and Excellence in Civic Engagement (Community Service) awards. These honors are due in part to the “Waffles for Wishes” event that the organization hosts in the fall to raise funds for their “Once Upon a Room” efforts. CMN at UF Health Shands is so proud of Phi Mu at UF and thankful for our partnership.
Greek Awards Breakdown: