Through December 31: Ace Hardware is rounding up to change kids’ health this holiday season
Amidst the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it can be easy to forget about the kids spending
time at the hospital. Children’s hospitals are on the frontlines providing the treatments and cures patients desperately need, but they can’t do it alone. That’s why UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital is grateful for Ace Hardware and community support this holiday season.
Beginning November 1, you can support our pediatric patients by rounding up at participating Ace Hardware locations. Your donation benefits UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital and ensures children can lead healthy, fulfilling lives.
Patients like Lauren benefit from the critical funds raised by Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.
As an active 8-year-old, Lauren loved to play sports, but she started having severe, persistent pain in her right leg. Testing led to a diagnosis of osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer. Lauren spent three months receiving chemotherapy at UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital, followed by a rotationplasty, a partial leg amputation that enables better movement with a prosthetic leg.
At the hospital Lauren spent many hours with a child life specialist to help her relax and keep her mind occupied during treatments. After five more months of chemotherapy, Lauren was declared cancer free. She had to re-learn how to walk with a prosthetic due to bone breaks, and she has long-term side effects of chemotherapy, including hearing loss and intestinal issues.
Today Lauren is a happy, outgoing teenager with a vibrant personality. She loves to write, play the drums and spend time with her family, but her passion is helping other kids and advocating for organizations like CMN Hospitals.
Children’s hospitals bring joy and spread holiday hope for kids – and you can too. Help us foster the builders and creators of tomorrow, round up today at Ace Hardware!