Dance Marathon at Florida State Presents Check to FSU College of Medicine
By: Elizabeth West
Dance Marathon at Florida State University made the trip to the FSU College of Medicine on Monday, Sept. 16, to celebrate raising over $1.24 million in its 29th year. During the celebration, a check was presented to the FSU College of Medicine for $571,584.16. As part of their Miracle Network Dance Marathon efforts, DM at FSU supports both UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital and the FSU College of Medicine, who share in the proceeds of the event to advance pediatric healthcare in the region.

The funds raised by DM at FSU benefit the FSU College of Medicine Outreach Program, which support beneficiaries such as: the Hang Tough Foundation, FSU Primary Health, Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare, school-based clinics in Gadsden County, Bond Community Health Center, Big Bend Hospice and the Florida State University Center for Prevention & Early Intervention Policy’s Early Head Start.
Many of the 2023 beneficiaries attended the event and highlighted their work, while also discussing the impact they make throughout the community thanks to funds provided by DM at FSU.
“You won’t meet more devoted, passionate and motivated students than the ones who make this commitment,” FSU College of Medicine Dean, Dr. Alma Littles, said.

Since its inception in 1995, more than $21.5 million has been raised by DM at FSU, of which $9.7 million has supported the FSU College of Medicine. During their 30th year, DM at FSU Hopes to surpass the $10 million mark in funds raised cumulatively for the FSU College of Medicine.
The year-long efforts culminate at marathon weekend, which spans 30 hours, split into a 10-hour Garnet Shift and 20-hour Gold Shift at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center, with the final reveal on the first Sunday in March each year. Marathon weekend for FSU’s 30th year is scheduled to begin on Feb. 28, 2025.
Dance Marathon at Florida State continues to show dedication to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and changing kids’ health through the year-round efforts of their students. Learn more at